Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holding Pattern

Sets waiting to be bisque fired...

My apologies for the blog hiatus... many factors came together to form the perfect 'hurry up and wait' storm. Okay maybe not a storm, but instead a six week stretch of drizzly weather with an occasional pop of bright blue sky.

There is beauty in drizzle and I am not complaining. All of the sets in the first picture have been bisque fired and now await the great glaze experiment.

now waiting to be glazed and fired a second time.

Glaze is an X-Factor and will keep a mortal humble.  Especially for someone like myself who has no real grasp of the chemistry at hand. I dip, and double dip into glaze combinations hoping for the best.  Opening the kiln after a glaze firing is met with the same anticipation as opening presents on Christmas morning...  I am usually happy and always surprised.

Pieces #2 and #5.
I have two completed sets out of the eighteen en queue.  They are standing in my living room awaiting final refinement.  When I look at them I must admit that I have anxiety that people aren't going to understand. These have, after all, poked out of my imagination like giant, garden, porcupine quills.

Add acceptance to the list of uncertainties on this trip. You can click on the pictures to get a closer view.

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